Implementation of the network histogram for graphon estimation from the paper Network histograms and universality of blockmodel approximation by Sofia C. Olhede and Patrick J. Wolfe.
We fit the estimator using graphhist
and then extract the estimated graphon matrix and node labels.
using NetworkHistogram, LinearAlgebra
A = Symmetric(rand(0:1, 100, 100))
A[diagind(A)] .= 0
# approximate the graphon with a network histogram
hist = graphhist(A)
# get the graphist structure
estimate = hist.graphhist
# get the estimated graphon matrix
sbm_matrix = estimate.θ
# get the estimated node labels
node_labels = estimate.node_labels
You can control the optimization process by modifying the rules used in the optimization. Check out Optimization hyper-parameters for more information.